Batu Aksoy
Batu Aksoy is the CEO and Board Member of Turcas Petrol, an oil and energy focused investment company, and its controlled subsidiaries. Flagship subsidiaries of Turcas are Shell & Turcas Petrol, RWE & Turcas South Power Generation, and Turcas Kuyucak Geothermal Power Generation. Assets under management of these companies are app. 7 Billion TL.
Mr. Aksoy is also the Vice Chairman of Aksoy Holdings, a diversified conglomerate with subsidiaries in the tourism-real estate and international trade sectors besides the oil-energy industry. Assets under management of the tourism-real estate and international trade subsidiaries of Aksoy Holdings is app. 1 Billion TL.
Batu Aksoy is at the same time:
- the Honorary Consul of Chile in Istanbul,
- a Board Member of TURKONFED (Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation),
- an Alternate Board Member of TUSIAD (Turkish Industry & Business Association) and Vice Chairman of its Energy Working Group,
- a Board Member of the Turkish-US Business Council (TAIK) of DEIK (Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey),
- a Member of ETD (Energy Traders Association) which he Chaired during 2013-2014,
- a Member of PETFORM (Petroleum Platform Association) which he Chaired during 2006-2008, and
- a Member of the Dean’s Advisory Council at The Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School.
Batu Aksoy was born in 1977 and is married with a son. He is a fluent speaker of English and has graduated from The Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA), Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty in 1998.